Modern Production Technologies and Processes Introduced by UAB AKVAVITA
With the support of the European Union and the Republic of Lithuania, the company UAB AKVAVITA completed the introduction of modern mineral water production technologies and processes in November. The amount of LTL 6,774,571 was allocated to the project as support from the EU Structural Funds.
The innovative mineral water bottling line installed as a part of the project will enable an increase in the labour productivity level, which is twice as high as the present average labour productivity level in the food and beverage industry. The introduction of such modern production technologies will increase the export of Lithuanian mineral water. The most up-to-date technological equipment will help to extract high-quality mineral water, preserving its natural properties.
Project manager Aistė Miliūtė states that the equipment, which includes that used for extraction of mineral water from wells, water preparation, and bottling and packaging, will maintain the unique composition of the mineral water and save production and energy resources.
The support from the EU Structural Funds was received for the implementation of the project under the Operational Programme 2007-2013: Economic Growth, the priority axis “Increasing business productivity and improving environment for business”.
Contact person:
Aistė Miliūtė
Project Manager
[email protected]